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Meet Ashley Merrill of Lunya

Meet Ashley Merrill of Lunya

Slipping into thoughtfully crafted loungewear in the evening is a great trick for creating an intentional boundary between office hours and leisure time. Read on for more!


What inspired you to create Lunya?


I could relate to the “I have nothing to wear at home” issue personally and wanted something that would move effortlessly with me from those post work hours into bed and make me feel great. The clothes I was wearing to fill that gap were “retired” pieces too worn to be seen in public.


Are there any mantras that particularly resonate with you?


Be the change. I have always been very motivated to make my life feel purposeful in some way and have never really been a person for words. I love this mantra because it is a reminder of the importance of your actions.

“Be the change… I love this mantra because it is a reminder of the importance of your actions.”


The idea of ritual is so important for us here at OSEA. Similarly at Lunya, it seems that making the evening ritual a more pleasurable experience has been a major consideration. Why was that a priority for you?


I work really hard and after burning myself out more than a few times I’ve become really reliant on a “come down” ritual to help me unload the stress of the day. Removing my work uniform and changing into something that fits the headspace I want to be in really helps me shift gears.


Using the highest quality materials and ingredients is imperative for both Lunya and OSEA. Why are natural fibers a better choice for your sleepwear?


I think of synthetic fibers as essentially small pieces of plastic that are woven together. This can make sense for working out but you wouldn't want to sleep in a plastic bag - having nature’s best next to your skin on items you will be wearing for longer periods is much better for your skin.


We also share a passion for sustainability. What sustainable measures have you been able to implement both in the office and at home to minimize your impact?


I think that the best way to be sustainable is to minimize consumption. At Lunya we have a minimal fabric collection and are focused on building a very targeted line in the aim of making sure we don't create waste in fabric of finished product. I bring this same philosophy home, trying to buy fewer higher quality things and fix things when they break.


How do you like to unwind? What are some of your favorite wellness rituals?


I love to watch TV. I know I should say something more romantic like meditate or reading a book but honestly I have my mind running at work 100 miles a minute and I love just getting into bed and letting someone else guide me through a story.


Any tips for getting a better night’s sleep?


I think not doing work 2 hours before bed is key. When I do emails right before bed I'm usually in trouble. I also like cbd for the high stress nights when I know I'm going to have my mind racing in my sleep.

Images provided by Lunya.